> "Global furniture, Shunde era" : leading the new trend of furniture industry

"Global furniture, Shunde era" : leading the new trend of furniture industry

Publish Time: 2024-03-16     Views: 468     Source: shundefurniture     Author:
Description: Global furniture to see Shunde, Shunde furniture to see Longjiang. The furniture industry is the foundation of Longjiang and the beautiful business card of Longjiang and Shunde.......

Global furniture to see Shunde, Shunde furniture to see Longjiang. The furniture industry is the foundation of Longjiang and the beautiful business card of Longjiang and Shunde. After more than 50 years of development, Longjiang has formed the most complete furniture industry chain in the country, with obvious industrial advantages and huge upgrading potential. After years of precipitation, continuous improvement and transformation, the two exhibitions have developed from a single exhibition hall into an exhibition system integrating the town's exhibition and trade and radiating the surrounding areas, forming a pattern of five exhibition halls open, 100 exhibition halls linked, and 10 square kilometers industrial cluster area exhibiting the town's high-quality furniture products and raw and auxiliary materials. For domestic and foreign merchants to bring a visual feast. The opening ceremony of the 45th International "Dragon" Furniture Fair and the 35th Asia International Furniture Materials Fair is now officially started!

In order to fully present the high-quality development results of Longjiang furniture industry, we have carefully created a new "Shunde Era of Global Furniture" home exhibition video for common appreciation! The two levels of government of Shunde District and Longjiang Town made concerted efforts to promote the development and growth of Longjiang furniture industry and accelerate its pace towards the global high-end furniture industry center.

In recent years, Longjiang has placed the focus of the development of the furniture industry on design, brand, exhibition and trade, and listing work, encouraging enterprises to implement intelligent and digital transformation, promote the upgrading of the industrial chain with "new quality productivity", and seize the commanding heights of the industrial chain. At present, the town has 23,000 various types of furniture market players, more than 100,000 upstream and downstream employees, 15,000 various types of furniture design and appearance patents, 62 well-known brands, including 7 enterprises with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan and 38 enterprises with more than 100 million yuan.

At the opening ceremony, Shunde Furniture Association, together with the Longjiang Town government, commended the 2024 new media masters, brand pioneers, design leaders, industry leaders, etc., setting a benchmark and boosting industry confidence.

Global furniture, Shunde times, Shunde furniture, Longjiang intelligent manufacturing. At present, the Foshan Municipal Party Committee is promoting the expansion of the pan-home, building materials cluster, and promoting the high-quality development of the home building materials industry. Shunde District Party Committee and district government also attach great importance to the opportunities for the development of the furniture industry, and have introduced district-level furniture industry support policies for the first time. As a local government, Longjiang Town is sparing no effort to support the development and growth of the furniture industry, and introduced the "D·BEST" plan to revitalize the furniture industry and activate the development momentum of the furniture industry.

The exhibition will last until March 19

Let's meet Longjiang Grand event

Common understanding

The most powerful furniture town in the universe

  • 软体家具的营销要点重在突出产品的舒适性、多样化风格和质量耐久性。通过展示产品的优势和特色,可以吸引消费者的注意并促使他们购买。此外,建立品牌形象和提供优质的客户服务也是提升销售的关键因素。


    1. 舒适体验:强调软体家具的舒适性,如柔软的坐垫、符合人体工程学的设计

    2. 多样化风格:提供多种风格的软体家具,以满足不同消费者的审美和装饰需求。

    3. 质量与耐久性:展示产品的高质量材料和耐用性,让消费者放心购买。

    4. 功能性:突出软体家具的功能性,如可调节、可折叠、多功能等特点。

    5. 品牌形象:建立良好的品牌形象,通过品牌宣传和口碑传播提升消费者对产品的认可度。

    6. 客户服务:提供优质的客户服务,包括售前咨询、售中支持和售后保障。

    7. 展示与演示:在实体店或线上平台上展示软体家具的实际效果,提供产品演示和体验。

    8. 创意营销:利用社交媒体、家居搭配建议等创意方式吸引消费者的关注。

  • In the competitive home furnishing market, home furnishing exhibition has become an important platform for enterprises to display products and expand the market. This article will deeply analyze the marketing strategy of home exhibition, and discuss how to effectively enhance brand influence and sales effect.

    First, accurately target the target audience

    Understand the needs and preferences of target customers and develop marketing strategies based on their characteristics. Through market research and analysis, determine the exhibition suitable for participation, and select exhibits and display design according to the characteristics of the target audience.

    Second, highlight the brand characteristics

    At an exhibition, brand image is crucial. Through unique stand design, eye-catching logo and unified promotional materials, the company's brand identity and values are displayed. At the same time, provide quality product displays and demonstrations to impress visitors.

    Third, innovative display methods

    Attracting visitors' attention is the key to exhibition marketing. Use innovative display technologies such as virtual reality and interactive displays to enhance the visitor experience. Display creative and personalized products to stimulate their desire to buy.

    4. Provide interactive experiences

    Set up interactive areas for visitors to participate in product experience, trial or consultation. Organize a professional sales team to effectively communicate with visitors, answer questions, and provide personalized solutions.

    5. Social media promotion

    Use social media platforms to promote the event in advance and attract the attention of potential customers. Publish beautiful exhibit pictures, videos and related information to trigger discussion and increase the exposure of the exhibition.

    6. Cooperation and sponsorship

    Cooperate with brands, media or institutions in related industries to participate in exhibitions. Expand the influence and visibility of the brand through sponsoring activities and cooperative promotion.

    Vii. Follow-up and customer relationship maintenance

    After the exhibition, timely follow up potential customers and provide quality after-sales service. Establish customer database, maintain regular contact with customers, promote sales conversion and customer loyalty.

    Through the above analysis of home exhibition marketing strategy, enterprises can make full use of the exhibition platform, enhance brand awareness, increase sales opportunities, and achieve better market performance. At the same time, constantly innovate and optimize marketing strategies, adapt to market changes, in order to stand out in the competition.

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